I’m working on my new album. It’s coming along. Loads of honest material pouring out. The more I open up, the better the material is. I’m focusing on beauty, space, and movement - this album will be irresistibly dancy. You won’t be able to sit still when you listen to it. That’s my litmus test for the songs. The beat has to just get up inside you, and act almost like a dance puppet - shaking your limbs like you have no control. Title of the album is confirmed to be “Training Montage” - came to me in a vision. Can’t ignore those. They are as real as the sky. Sometimes they wake me up, sometimes they come to me when I’m walking down the street minding my own business, mostly they come to me while I’m lying in bed trying to sleep. If I make the mistake of trying to retreat too early, they come in torrents - vision after idea after vision until I’m forced out of bed. It’s actually pretty inspiring.
Keep coming back and I’ll keep making cool shit!
Love you guys.